Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Props used in Film Opening

There were not that many props used in our film, but all the props that were used we made sure they fitted with the codes and conventions of our genre. These props had to be stereotypical for the our characters to make our opening sequence more believable, the props included cans of alcohol and drugs. These props solidify the point that we are trying to make that these characters are from a poor background and that they are involved in small time criminal activity.

In our film it will show a few of the characters smoking marijuana and also them dealing drugs (cocaine), this puts the viewer on the edge because these things are illegal. It is important that our characters take drugs or that they are somehow related to them because it is stereotypical that they are so this helps our audience relate and escape in our film.

Also in our film it will show some of the characters drinking cans of "Strongbow", we have chosen for them to do this because it is what we expect people from these gangs to do. We chose "Strongbow" because it is relatively cheap and would be the kind of alcohol they would be likely to buy/drink.

In part of our film they will travel in a small hatchback, we chose this type of car because they are cheap to buy and insure and our characters don't have much money. All the characters are also still quite young so they will be trying to spend the least amount of money they can insuring a car. This helps the audience relate to the actors on screen because they have been in the same situation.

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